FNX Tokenomics
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 $FNX
Distribution Allocation Tokens Vesting
Marketing and Promotion 10% 100,000,000 Unlocked 1%/month Oct 2024 Onwards
Liquidity and Rewards 25.4% 254,000,000 dex and cex liquidity, unlocked 1%/month. Aug 2024 Onwards.
Airdrop 5.6% 56,000,000 unlocked
Team 20% 200,000,000 vesting at 2.5%/month Jan 2026 Onwards
Stake Pool Rewards 3% 30,000,000 unlocked as per stake pool delegation. At 0.5% APY of the staked ADA
Treasury 28% 280,000,000 Locked.
Partnership 8% 80,000,000 locked for 1 year after allocation, vesting for 3 more years after unlock.
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